CI版本2.1.3 ,对于返回bool类型值,比如
SELECT FALSE如果用的是pdo驱动,那么取值结果也是bool类型。如果是postgres驱动,那么得到的是'f'字符串。
strata_ranger at hotmail dot com (26-Aug-2008 11:01) In a bit of follow-up to Luke's note about SQL booleans (this was a painful thing to learn the hard way), a relatively easy workaround is to typecase the boolean columns to integer inside the query, e.g: <?php // Assuming 'foo' is a table column of type boolean $res = pg_query("Select foo as foo1, foo::integer as foo2 from bar"); $data = pg_fetch_assoc($res); if ($data['foo1']) echo 'foo1 = TRUE'; // Doesn't work as expected (string 't' and string 'f' both evaluate as TRUE) if ($data['foo2']) echo 'foo2 = TRUE'; // Works as expected (string '0' evaluates as FALSE) ?>